​​Take Control of Your Quality

​All the tools you need to manage materials, mixes, tolerances, documentation, and testing and analysis in one location.

​Optimize Each Pour

​Demonstrate that your raw materials conform to supplier and customer requirements. Optimize concrete mixes to comply with strength, durability and aggregate grading requirements while controlling mix costs.

​Manage and Monitor

Make mass mix adjustments in minutes instead of days. Monitor your batches in real time to reduce out-of-tolerance loads.

“COMMANDqc has enabled Strata to manage its risk. Strength overdesign factors and concrete yields have been standardized. Mixtures are adjusted for changing aggregate characteristics. Strengths are tracked based on test results stored in COMMANDqc. I used to spend most of my time doing paperwork to find out what caused problems. Now I have the time to look for ways to improve Strata’s profitability.”

Hank Hauge, Technical Services Engineer, Strata Inc.

​Documentation with Ease

Now you can produce concrete mix submittals in a fraction of the time they took before. Craft professional reports and documentation to build trust and authority.

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