
​Real-Time Ticketing

Tickets travel at the speed of email. Improve the speed and accuracy of your invoicing process by emailing tickets directly to your customers and back office.

Reduce Yard Time

What’s the value of going paperless? Not waiting around for paper eliminates 10 minutes per load, per day. You can probably get in an extra load every day if your system is paperless.

Add Events Before Signature

Note water added and other events on-site before the ticket is accepted and signed.

“Instead of our drivers managing paper and waiting for their next orders from dispatch, they can instantly pull up their next job in the app and get on with it. It doesn’t just make life easier, it’s making big savings to our bottom line.”

Mike Sanson, IT Manager, Midwest Concrete

More Than Signatures

Customers can review terms and conditions, add comments, rate driver performance, and sign off on waivers prior to signing.

Remove Paper from the Cab

The cab may be the driver’s office, but it’s still a terrible place to do paperwork. Eliminate paper ticketing and make it easy for them to give reviews. Drivers can access documents via in-cab tablets. This helps prevent ticket loss and its associated costs.

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