
Your Fleet. Optimized.

​Say goodbye to nonproductive time. TrackIt offers GPS truck tracking and telematics as well as fleet and workforce management. Built specifically for heavy building materials suppliers and haulers, TrackIt is made to work for you!

Proactive Reporting

Becoming more efficient is a two-step process: analyze, then optimize. Analyze fuel usage and driver performance, monitor vehicle health, and identify causes of nonproductive time.

No Paper Timesheets

Electronic timesheets make it easy to review, edit, approve, and pay. Log time from in the cab or via the Web. Improve accuracy by preventing employees from clocking in early or clocking out late. Export payroll to other business systems.

“TrackIt allowed us to schedule our work load and accurately predict when a truck would arrive on a job site or return to the plant.  It gave us the necessary tools to plan our day ahead instead of flying by the seat of our pants. It more than paid for itself within the first year of use.”

Tracy Dobson, Operations Manager, OSCO Concrete

You Can’t Fix What You Can’t See

Real-time visibility into your fleet and mapping of individual trucks lets you analyze jobs, routes, productivity and performance.  Improve customer service by improving your view of what is really going on.

The Engine is Running

Monitor the habits of your drivers and the performance of your vehicles to improve safety and increase fuel economy. One 57-truck fleet showed an impressive 25% average increase in fuel economy after only two months of monitoring engine events.

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